Carey Newman
Kwakwaka’wakw and Coast Salish Artist
Carey Newman, whose traditional name is Hayalthkin’geme, is a multi-disciplinary Indigenous artist, master carver, filmmaker, author, mentor, and public speaker.
Through his father, he is Kwakwaka’wakw from the Kukwekum, Giiksam, and WaWalaby’ie clans of northern Vancouver Island, and Coast Salish from Cheam of the Sto:lo Nation along the upper Fraser Valley. Through his mother, he is a Settler of English, Irish, and Scottish heritage. Being of British, Kwagiulth & Salish descent allows him to draw inspiration from each culture, mastering as many techniques and mediums as possible as one of the keys to his continued success.
In his artistic practice, he strives to highlight Indigenous, social, and environmental issues as he examines the impacts of colonialism and capitalism. Carey Newman is best known as the creator and visionary behind the powerful art installation “The Witness Blanket” made with over 800 items collected from Indian residential school survivors and from the former residential school buildings.